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NPAT: New Product Automation Tool

Wix New Product Automation V0.2
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I needed to upload 800+ products to a e-commerce site I developed. As it stands, Mid 2018, does not provide a bulk upload or .CSV import system for their 'Products' database. Not wanting to spend endless hours clicking, copying and pasting I have spent slightly less than endless hours developing a tool to automate the 'New Product' process.

There has been accounts of a 'Import from .CSV' tool coming and going from users dashboard, I have spoken with and they have something in Beta, but cannot give any time frame for release and I couldn't be involved in the Beta testing. So here's hoping that my tool and work pays off before they release their bulk import and make it redundant!



This tool (which I've named NPAT) interacts with the user interface (UI) to automate the 'New Product' process. It reads in your product data from a spreadsheet and loops adding each product. It takes around 30-40 seconds per product.

Fields currently programmed;

  • Name

  • Price

  • Ribbon

  • On Sale (% or Set Discount)

  • SKU

  • Weight

  • Inventory or Out of Stock

  • +Info Section (Title & Description)

  • Image*

  • In Development: Collection

*Images must be previously uploaded to your site media


How Does it Work?

The tool code runs in Katalon Studio software, with some help from AutoHotKey software. Running the tool will require both these software packages installed and Firefox Web browser. All this software is free.

It's Free

I have invested a lot of time for a tool I really needed. I wanted to share it with others with the same problem. If you use it, and it saves you time & money and you would like to donate some money then that would be awesome!


Alternatively, I am a freelance product design engineer and developer, if you happen to have a need for work in any of these areas then please feel free to get in touch;


  • Product Design

  • Process Optimisation & Tool Development

  • Anything to do with Microsoft Excel and VBA

  • Web Development

  • Wix Expert

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Download & Instructions

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This code controls upload to your store and injects some keyboard commands at different points, this may have unexpected results. Please follow the instructions and once the Firefox browser loads, then keep it on top (don't click away until code is finished or if you need to stop the code for any reason). This is very much a work in progress and has been tested but I do not accept any responsibility for any unexpected results. It is strongly recommend to try with a test account or store which are free to make and run a small amount of product data until you are comfortable with how the code runs. It is recommended to observe the code running at all times. That said, It has worked well for me and I really hope it works out for you.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Download and Install this FREE software;

  1. Katalon Studio  (You will need to make an account)

  2. AutoHotKey 

  3. Firefox Web browser

Katalon Web.PNG

Step 2: Download NPAT Code

Download and UnZip the NPAT Code​, This has the spreadsheet for your product data, the code to run in Katalon studio and an AutoHotKey program that the code needs to work so follow the setup steps below.

Download NPAT Code

Step 3: Move 'NPAT' Folder

Move "NPAT" Folder to C:\Program Files : This contains an AutoHotKey program which is needed at a few points in the code, but you wont have to do anything with it other than put it in the correct place


Move "NPAT" Folder to C:\Program Files


Step 4: Move 'NPAT_Product_Data.xlsx'

Move 'NPAT_Product_Data.xlsx' file to Libraries\Documents : This is the spreadsheet that the code reads in all your product data from I discuss filling this out below.


Move 'NPAT_Product_Data.xlsx' file to Libraries\Documents


Step 5: Open Katalon Studio & Open Project

Run Katalon Studio then File > Open Project > Select the NPAT_V0.3 Folder you extracted and click OPEN

Open Katalon.png

Step 6: Open NPAT Test Case & Variables

Lets open the NPAT test case and look at the variables, these are used to control how some of the code functions



  • RowMin : Number, Optional : Changes which row the data will start at, if this equals zero then the code will start at the first row of data

  • RowMax : Number, Optional: Changes the end row at which the code will stop, if this equals zero then the code will run until the last row in the file. RowMin & RowMax allow you to upload in smaller chunks or restart at a specific point.

  • WixURL: Text, Required : Copy and Paste the products dashboard page URL from your store, this will look something like this:

  • EMail: Text, Optional : Your login Email address, if this is left blank the code will wait up to 5 minutes for you to manually login

  • Password: Text, Optional : Your login Password, if this is left blank the code will wait up to 5 minutes for you to manually login


FAQ: Why do I need to login? Each time the tool runs, it starts a completely new browser session so you have to login at the start

Step 7: Your Product Data

You should have already moved the NPAT_Product_Data.XLSX file to your Documents folder. Remember to SAVE any changes before running the code.



This is where you fill out all your product data;

  • Name: Text, Required : The name/title of your product, Wix requires a Name and Price to save

  • Price: Number, Required: The price of your product as a number only, do NOT include the currency symbol e.g. £. , Wix requires a Name and Price to save

  • Description: Text, Optional: The product description

  • Ribbon: Text, Optional: The product ribbon

  • OnSale: Boolean (ish), Optional: Either leave blank or make 'TRUE' to toggle the On Sale feature

  • PercentDiscount: Number, Optional: OnSale must be TRUE, do NOT include %, just the numerical value. Do NOT have both a PercentDiscount and SalePrice, one must be left blank

  • SalePrice: Number, Optional: OnSale must be TRUE, do NOT include currency symbol e.g. £, just the numeric value. Do NOT have both a PercentDiscount and SalePrice, one must be left blank

  • SKU: Text, Optional: The SKU for the product

  • Weight: Number, Optional: Weight of your product, do NOT include the units e.g. Kg or Lbs, Just the numeric value

  • Inventory: Number, Optional: Your product inventory, Do NOT have a Inventory Value and a OutofStock value, one must be blank

  • InfoTitle: Text, Optional: '+ Info Section' Title

  • InfoDescription: Text, Optional: '+ Info Section' Title

  • Image: Text, Optional: The exact name of the image for the product WITHOUT the file extension e.g. .jpg. You must upload all images to your site media before running the code. The images are added using search, then selecting all results. For multiple images, wix image search is strange, seems at the point of upload of images, if name your images for example MyProduct.jpg & MyProduct(2).jpg then using 'MyImage' will result with both in the search. It is recommended you give images a unique name per product to avoid a search finding additional something accidentally. Underscores in file names seem to create issues (you can search for the images if you replace the underscores with spaces) so please find a naming convention that works for you. 

  • Collection: Text, Optional: This is in development, for the adventurous: Current only one collection is coded, The collection you are adding the product to must be visible without scrolling, so if you change the collection name for example from "My Collection" to "AAAMy Collection" then Wix will make it top of the list, and visible. Then you have to inspect the checkbox element and get the ID for that collection which will look like toggleable-category-7f79cca8-80b6-d24b-e6f8-356187d95050. Multiple collections is in development and should be easy, non-visible collections is a different story!

Quirk: Deleting Data

Say you had 100 products in your saved file, then selected the cells and pressed delete, then added 25 products. Katalon will still read this as 100 rows and try to run for 100 products. Delete or Clear all the blank rows (with row selection) to overcome this. As I type this instruction I realise I can add a check for 'blank' rows, but that's for the next version now.

Step 8: Running the Code

Variables entered and checked?

Saved the Spreadsheet?

Then press the play button! It will compile and run similar to the demo video (hopefully)

If you need to stop the code for whatever reason then click the red stop button

If you are making use of it then I'd love to hear from you and get feedback. Please get in touch




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I've just released this space. Please contact me with any questions.


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